Exam Forms

Photo: Elliott Franks

RAD Online Exam Entry

To enter an exam you need a RTS membership with the RAD. Log in with your details to access RAD Online Exam Entry. Administrators will need to contact their local office to get access.


This document is valid from January 2020 and supersedes all previous Specifications and Examinations Information, Rules and Regulations documentation.


You can register your candidates via RAD Online Exam Entry. 

Progress Reports

Before the Exam

On or Five Days After the Exam:

Study Choice Forms

These forms are optional, but can be used by teachers to indicate what dances their candidates have chosen:

Music Choice Forms

These should be completed and sent to the relevant RAD office for exams in RAVs. Completing the forms correctly will ensure that the appropriate music choices are played:

Tidsfrister vår/sommer 2024

RAD Online Exam Entry must be done by 24.03.2024 and you need to let the National office know by 10th March. Alle skjemaer må være klargjort innen 24.03.2023 og dere må gi beskjed til National Manager innen 10. mars.
Tidsfrister for eksamen 2024