Safeguarding resources for parents and students

The RAD is committed to safeguarding all our students, teachers and staff. We have a professional safeguarding team who are focused on supporting dance teachers teaching RAD ballet, and who are committed to keeping children and vulnerable adults safe while dancing.

If you’re not sure who to turn to over a safeguarding issue, or want just want more advice and information on keeping children and vulnerable adults safe while dancing, the following links and resources are a good place to start.

If you are aware of an urgent issue that you need to report, you can use the contact information on our main safeguarding page.

How do I choose a safe dance class?

Who do I contact if I need help?

  • The NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000 or
  • ChildlineCall 0800 1111
  • The Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) team is made up of police officers that observe social networking sites to ensure you are safe whilst on the internet. If you have or have ever had a concern regarding someone on the internet or their behaviour towards you, you can make a report to CEOP
  • Wandsworth Safeguarding Children Partnership have provided an information pack detailing crisis lines as well as other support available to those in need.

Who do I contact if I am worried about the mental wellbeing of my child?

Useful international resources

Who can I contact if I live outside the UK?